Friday, 3 September 2010

I have tried for you: living in Muscat. Chapter 2, part 2, The air con diaries, the car issue.

Tanned feet before morning drive.
On the car, morning drive to the office.

Nail polish on my hands is drying off nicely, thanks to the built in naildrier - i.e. the AC fans located right behind the steering wheel, which provide just the right amount of air, at the right temperature. 
For a bit.
Then it gets cold, as in I-could-do-with-a-jumper cold (NB: it is 30++ degrees outside, they don't  do jumpers around here).

You see, as in every standard car, my AC has 4 gears and 4 positions. Gears range from 0 (= death by suffocation) to 4 (full blast, hairdrier effect as described in previous post).  Positions offered are face, feet, face and feet (sounds like the brochure for massages at a spa, but is far from, in reality), plus the useless windshield position. Then you can play with the red and blue settings (hot and cold, duh) - although I am still unsure why they bother with car heating in a country when it hardly ever gets below 20 degrees. Climate change anticipation, I guess.

I keep believing my favorite combo is gear 4, face and feet, blue all the way. 
It is essentially true when in the middle of a dramatic body overheating. I am then convinced I will never, ever manage to cool back down to a normal temperature and I make radical decisions: favorite AC combo on.
The favorite combo is available from switching the AC on + 3 min (at this stage, body temperature is getting close to maximum tolerance threshold), and is bearable for an average of 4 min. 
I then have to move down to gear 3 rapidly, as the fans in my face become rather annoying, plus my hair is flying everywhere - especially in my eyes, I can't see the road and start fearing for my safety. I really cannot afford  being involved in a car incident with a sweaty t-shirt on.
Down to gear 2 now. And feet only. Is it getting cold, or is it me? My hands are freezing.
Gear 1. Gosh, it's hot in here. 
Gear 2, face and feet. Too cold, again.
Since I have to wear trousers and a long sleeve top, I am indulging daily in the flip-flops/sandals footwear (my only allowed Muslim-friendly contribution to tan improvement on a week day).
Hey, I can't feel my feet anymore.
Quick glance under the wheel.
My toes are blue. Oh dear.

I am now a (dried) sweaty smelly person with blue fingers and toes. Note that I haven't made it to the office yet.

Every day I swear to myself: "(Scr*w the fashion police,) tomorrow, I am wearing socks with my flip-flops". 

It turns out I haven't packed any socks.

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