It says: "You make the best f***ing brownies ever. Thanks".
Just like that, out of the blue. Just when I was looking for a way to start this post.
Thank you, Flatmie, thank you big time.
So apparently I have the power to make killer flourless chocolated brownies. I'd like to say I agree on the killer bit, but I can't for the life of me remember what they taste like. I have been on a stupid protein diet for weeks now and chocolate brownies happen to not be on the authorized list. If I try hard though, I can remember the brownies being gooey, melting, rich and sticky. I remember the only way to eat them is eyes closed. I remember they taste better with every day that passes. I remember they are fantastic when just warm from the oven, and equally amazing after a few days in the fridge. I can actually taste them almost, and oh God, do I miss them. These are the Rolls Royce Transformers of brownies, the ones that always win all the votes, even from the most pudding-impervious personalities.
Nigella, the woman who is not afraid to put both her bare hands in the jar, has clearly opened the love market for me. The woman has found the recipe to melt a man's hearts (and a woman's, equally). My friend's husband told her he would marry me, for the brownies. My other friend Lucy said she would dump her boyfriend and marry me, for the brownies. My flatmate would kill for those brownies, and I know I can get my way anytime when bribing him with the said brownies. Actually, there almost always is a batch of them at home, to counter any possibility of domestic aggressiveness from his part. Oh, and they have been offered to appease the spirits of a really angry cleaner, who threatened to dump us. The story doesn't tell if she had the brownies, but fact is, she still is with us. I told you, they melt hearts.
I am gutted to report that these brownies are the easiest thing ever to make - which means I will soon loose my Unique Selling Point, but hey, I am no selfish cook.
The recipe can be found here, together with a million other yummy recipes. As per its name, it requires no flour, which has been replaced by almond powder, making them a sweet, melting, wheat-free pudding. I don't usually make a chocolate sauce with them, the brownies being rich enough on their own, thank you very much!
My personal interpretation to the recipe implies proper French cooking chocolate that I bring back from my trips home, and replacing half of the butter with salted butter. The best chocolate ever is the kraft paper wrapped Chocolat Noir Nestlé Dessert which I have never found in the UK to this day, but Morrissons stocks the traditional green chocolate block from Menier which is excellent. Also, I tend not to add the chopped nuts - although last time I made the brownie, I did put them in and Flatmie showed a great deal of appreciation towards the final product (hence the text earlier). I think I will try adding fudge or hokey-pokey next time... and I will let you know what happens then!
Next time you meet a guy you like, make sure to offer him some of those brownies. Hopefully, he will admit you are the only woman in the world who can make them. And he'll send you a text saying: "You make the best f***ing brownies ever. Will you marry me?".
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